How to promote your blog


   Posting the valuable information is the important thing, but publishing compelling content isn’t enough to drive awareness and traffic for your blog audience. The next thing that would concern you is how to make sure your blog gains attention. Millions of blogs existing on the internet, your responsibility is having your blog getting noticed may not be an easy task. You need to actively promote your posts and engage new huge readership, if you want the exposure your blog deserves. You are probably already spending a lot of time on some of the marketing tools. Spreading the word about your blog business, building brand awareness and ultimately sales is the part of your blog business that is probably driving your anxiety levels up. Self-promotion of a blog on the internet is critical. In this article i have a few tips to employ the following promotion tactics, that will allow you to promote your blog online effectively.

Top 10 Proven Tips to Promote your Blog Online:

Social Media:

It has been proven effective lately to utilize social media to promote your blog. Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest Instagram, Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious have more traffic because people usually visit these sites regularly to find content. First you have to create the account in that social media, After you have created accounts for each site take a few hours and start to fill up your Facebook page, Twitter timeline and Pinterest boards. Promoting your blogs by utilizing social media may take you more time because these sites are social sites. However, these actions can look like spam if you do not engage in social interaction. With more connections, many readers may only see your newest posts if you have a pop-up about them on your social page. Make interaction with your friends and your followers. All of these efforts will increase awareness of your blog and give it added exposure.

Guest Posts:

Another best idea to grab the audience is guest blogging already associated with a larger blog. It will allow you to share content within your niche with a whole new group of people. And the additional advantage is you can typically include 1-2 links back to relevant articles and traffic on your website. For the host, it brings diversity of authors and contents. Give your best to produce a great post when you do guest blogging since you are trying to give a good impression to an audience that is not yours. Do your research and determine which sites within your niche accept guest posts. Interact with that blogger and get started. You may also invite other bloggers to write in your blog as this can help improve your SEO and give your blog variation.

List of Most Popular Professional Indian Bloggers.
Respond to your Readers:

Making interaction with the people whom are visiting your blog is the essential part. May be you have no time to communicate with them i.e do not respond to messages or personally respond to comments, but if you skip them, you will lose your valuable visitors. Check your Email, be responsive and appreciative to your audience. Every minute you spend interacting on a personal level with your readers is well-spent.

Refuse to Place Ads:

Advertising is the best way of the revenue to your blog. But when you’re first launching your blog, you have a lot of work to do. Tweaking out different ad modules and trying to optimize your ads for a blog that is going to be making you $10 a month at best is a waste of your time. If you are focus on the success of your blog, just avoid the advertising business at the starting time. May be you can get the few income through that ads but the most valuable asset you have right now is your time. Instead, focus on building a real business and attracting a lot of people. After your blog is grown up, keep that ads as you wish.

Top 10 Real Ways to Make Money with your Blog.
URL Shortening:

Before sharing your post, you have to shortened your blog post. Shorten i

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